Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hockey World Cup 2010 : India-Pak to clash in opener

World Cup Hockey is going to start amid watertight security from tomorrow February 28, 2010 in New Delhi and in the opening day arch rivals India and Pakistan are going to play against each other.

India will have to leave behind the controversies that marred their run up to the high profile FIH tournament and put up a united front as stakes are high for the home team after the Olympic debacle.

Their eight Olympic gold notwithstanding, India have not won a major international title since their 1975 World Cup triumph in Kuala Lumpur.

Indian hockey has gone down considerably since then, evident from their result in the last couple of years.

Pakistan enjoy a superior World Cup record than India as they have won the tournament four times the last being in 1994.

In other matches of the inaugural day Spain take on South Africa in the lung opener followed by the the game between title favourites Australia and England.


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